A taster of my next book - The Midnight Geese
At long last, I am nearly finished writing a sequel to Beating the Bounds. It is a mixture of previously written incidents in the lives of Ami and Dan, plus lots of new writing.
I'm feeling excited about it as I have become very fond of my fictional characters, and blushingly admit that there is a great deal of the real Sarah Coltman in the character of Ami.
With Ami, nothing is ever as it seems, and Chaos Theory reigns supreme. The only certainty in Ami's life is that there is always a spanking lurking in her not too distant future.
I do hope you will enjoy to read the following snippet from The Midnight Geese, and as ever, I am always pleased to hear your comments.
"...I remember to shut my mouth as the water crashes over my head, then I let go of the goose and flail my way to the surface. The geese swim rapidly away towards the far end of the pond and shelter under the willows, still honking enough to waken the dead. I struggle to find a foothold; my other Croc rises to the surface and floats past my left ear as I thrash around.
Dan has run to the edge, is issuing orders, leaning over precariously, and holding out his hand to me.
I manage to find my footing and stand in the rain with water running off me, my hair covered in bits of duckweed and rotten vegetation from the bottom of the pond. I try to move towards Dan but my legs are anchored in two and a half feet of mud that oozes between my toes and all other bits of me within oozing reach.
I don't know whether to cry hysterically or laugh hysterically. I end up doing a mixture of the two."
Ami and Daniel are Empty Nesters who have moved to live in an old house in the depths of the English countryside. In order to save their flagging relationship and refresh their boring sex lives, Ami has decided she needs to change. She reinvents herself, much to the delight of her husband of over thirty years, proving that passion and variety are no longer the reserve of the young.
More significantly, on the day she types the word 'spanking' into her computer, she realises that a little domestic discipline may be just what they need in their marriage. Although initially somewhat nervous of what it might entail, Daniel takes to spanking Ami like a duck takes to water, surprising her with the ease in which he has settled into his role as head of household.
The Midnight Geese follows on from Beating the Bounds by offering a further insight into the lives of Ami and Daniel as they settle into country life.
Never one to sit around being an onlooker, Ami's impulsive behaviour often has more repercussive effects than can be altogether desirable, with the result that sitting down can be a challenge in itself.
Will Ami ever learn?!
Blushing Books
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Further snippets coming along in the not-to-distant future.
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