Friday, 13 November 2015

Saturday Spankings - Saturday 14 November

A taster of my next book - The Midnight Geese

At long last, I am nearly finished writing a sequel to Beating the Bounds. It is a mixture of previously written incidents in the lives of Ami and Dan, plus lots of new writing. 

I'm feeling excited about it as I have become very fond of my fictional characters, and blushingly admit that there is a great deal of the real Sarah Coltman in the character of Ami. 

With Ami, nothing is ever as it seems, and Chaos Theory reigns supreme. The only certainty in Ami's life is that there is always a spanking lurking in her not too distant future. 

I do hope you will enjoy to read the following snippet from The Midnight Geese, and as ever, I am always pleased to hear your comments.

"...I remember to shut my mouth as the water crashes over my head, then I let go of the goose and flail my way to the surface. The geese swim rapidly away towards the far end of the pond and shelter under the willows, still honking enough to waken the dead. I struggle to find a foothold; my other Croc rises to the surface and floats past my left ear as I thrash around.

Dan has run to the edge, is issuing orders, leaning over precariously, and holding out his hand to me.

I manage to find my footing and stand in the rain with water running off me, my hair covered in bits of duckweed and rotten vegetation from the bottom of the pond. I try to move towards Dan but my legs are anchored in two and a half feet of mud that oozes between my toes and all other bits of me within oozing reach.

I don't know whether to cry hysterically or laugh hysterically. I end up doing a mixture of the two."


Ami and Daniel are Empty Nesters who have moved to live in an old house in the depths of the English countryside. In order to save their flagging relationship and refresh their boring sex lives, Ami has decided she needs to change. She reinvents herself, much to the delight of her husband of over thirty years, proving that passion and variety are no longer the reserve of the young.

More significantly, on the day she types the word 'spanking' into her computer, she realises that a little domestic discipline may be just what they need in their marriage. Although initially somewhat nervous of what it might entail, Daniel takes to spanking Ami like a duck takes to water, surprising her with the ease in which he has settled into his role as head of household. 

The Midnight Geese follows on from Beating the Bounds by offering a further insight into the lives of Ami and Daniel as they settle into country life. 

Never one to sit around being an onlooker, Ami's impulsive behaviour often has more repercussive effects than can be altogether desirable, with the result that sitting down can be a challenge in itself.

Will Ami ever learn?!

Blushing Books


Barnes and Noble

Further snippets coming along in the not-to-distant future.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Saturday Spankings - 8th July - English Country Life

Setting the Scene

Novels, like paintings are subjective. One likes one, another one likes another. 

What I have noticed is that every writer has their own way of grabbing the reader's attention at the start of their story, and endless instructive texts have been written on the subject. We all know what we are looking for in the opening chapters.

However, if I am writing a succession of stories centred around two or three main characters, I like to set the scene a little more firmly. I like to think that anyone reading the story can imagine themselves in situ, even if it is only as a fly on the wall.

The excerpt I have chosen for this week's Saturday Spankings gives a small glimpse of rural English life as lived by Ami and Daniel. Just take a peek...

...I pull carefully into a space between a dilapidated Toyota pickup, and a family runaround that looks as if the last time it saw a carwash must have been some time during the previous century.

The village shop is situated behind the local garage, which is also the local undertakers. A car has drawn up at the pumps, which look to be straight out of the 1950s, and Sam Farthing, the owner of the garage, is engaged in conversation with the driver as he fills the tank with Four Star.

When Sam sees me get out of my car and walk purposefully into the little mercantile - where if you can't find it, it isn't yet made - he nearly kills himself in order to gallop across the forecourt and into the shop to meet me. He finishes serving the petrol, hooks the nozzle back on the pump in such a hurry that it falls down the first time, spraying petrol dregs in a ten yard radius, and grabs the money out of the hand of the bewildered driver, now with well-spattered trousers, his eyes busy taking in every detail of my appearance, from the faded blue jeans and creased linen shirt, to the dirty smudge across my forehead.

I arrive in the shop, closing the door behind me which causes the bell to jingle madly, and I stand still for a moment in order to allow my eyes to adjust to the relative gloom. An assortment of goods are arranged on shelves of varying heights, whilst two large chiller units keep vegetables and salad stuffs fresh, and a freezer unit hums somewhere in the background.

Beryl Farthing appears out of a side door and I fervently hope it doesn't lead back into the undertaking side of the business, and that if it does, Beryl has paused to wash her hands en route...


Ami and Daniel are Empty Nesters who have moved to live in an old house in the depths of the English countryside. In order to save their flagging relationship and refresh their boring sex lives, Ami has decided she needs to change. She reinvents herself, much to the delight of her husband of over thirty years, proving that passion and variety are no longer the reserve of the young.

More significantly, on the day she types the word 'spanking' into her computer she realizes that a little domestic discipline may be just what they need in their marriage. Although initially somewhat nervous of what it might entail, Daniel takes to spanking Ami like a duck takes to water, surprising her with the ease in which he has settled into his role as head of household.

All goes well until Ami begins to meet some village locals, and lets herself get happily led astray. A simple custom is turned into a marathon spanking session, and Ami will never view the ritual of Beating the Bounds in the same light again.

Blushing Books


Barnes and Noble

Keep on reading for more great snippets.

Friday, 31 July 2015

Saturday Spankings - 1st August 2015 - A Taste of the Horrible Hairbrush

Long before I had opportunity of witnessing exactly what a hairbrush really feels like, I used to read about being spanked with a hairbrush, dream about it and fantasise about it. 

I must've been stark, staring mad. My loving husband broke our first hairbrush on my poor innocent butt. It didn't bother him at all. Not one bit. "Oh" he remarked, as it cracked right down the middle. 

"Oh", what did he mean "Oh" for goodness sake!? 

I think that had it not broken, I would have buried it in a dark place in the middle of a wood at midnight!

Just remembering our Horrible Hairbrush causes me to shiver. 

We now have a short-handled bath brush. I can tell you that it's far worse! LOL!

This little snippet  from Beating the Bounds reflects my feelings on a Hairbrush Spanking.

...I can feel the heat build as the spanking progresses. Each swat feels like the sting of an angry bee and I begin to anticipate where the next swat will land. I clench my buttocks against the pain, then rapidly unclench them as he gives the inside of my thighs a couple of quick swats, which is far worse. My legs are kicking by now, folding back at the knees, and he stops momentarily to place his right leg over both of mine, anxious not to catch my feet with the hairbrush, and gives my upper thighs three swats as a reminder that I shouldn't kick.

Now he is concentrating on my sit spots, just where my bottom and thighs meet. Tears of pain gather in my eyes and overflow. Daniel isn't holding back and I howl into my pillow and try to endure. He isn't one to lecture, but through my sobs I hear him asking me why I am getting this spanking...


Ami and Daniel are Empty Nesters who have moved to live in an old house in the depths of the English countryside. In order to save their flagging relationship and refresh their boring sex lives, Ami has decided she needs to change. She reinvents herself, much to the delight of her husband of over thirty years, proving that passion and variety are no longer the reserve of the young.

More significantly, on the day she types the work "spanking" into her computer she realises that a little domestic discipline may be just what they need in their marriage. Although initially somewhat nervous of what it might entail, Daniel takes to spanking Ami like a duck takes to water, surprising her with the ease in which he has settled into his role as head of household.

All goes well until Ami begins to meet some village locals, and lets herself get happily led astray. A simple custom is turned into a marathon spanking session, and Ami will never view the ritual of Beating the Bounds in the same light again.

Blushing Books


Barnes and Noble

Keep on reading for more great snippets. This is a BLOG HOP, you know!

Friday, 17 July 2015

Saturday Spankings - 18 July - Birch or Willow?

Since I first discovered that switches were often used years' ago as a means for discipline, I have been fascinated by them. 

I remember as a child, if I was riding a lazy pony, and I stopped to cut a switch from the hedgerow, that pony would speed up as if by magic. So I know that switches work wonders.

The traditional switches were cut from either willow or birch, mainly because those are very flexible and less likely to snap, or cause any permanent injury when used on a backside.

Personally I don't have a clue what they feel like.

Or do I?

I love to make people wonder which is the fantasy and which the reality.

I hope you enjoy this small excerpt.

My eyes can't open any wider as I see what he has placed on the granite top of the kitchen island. He has removed all the leaves off the small birch branches and left a very fine tracery of twigs. He's removed all the sharp nubs and leaves off the willow, and peeled the switches so they are white and smooth. He picks one up and flourishes it. It makes a horrid whistling sort of a swish as it cuts through the air.

I lift my chin and glare at Daniel, "If you think you are using those on me, you are joking" I tell him. "I am not a dog or a horse."

"If you were, there would be no need to use them" he answers me quietly in a steel-like tone, shrugging his shoulders.


Ami and Daniel are Empty Nesters who have moved to live in an old house in the depths of the English countryside. In order to save their flagging relationship and refresh their boring sex lives, Ami has decided she needs to change. She reinvents herself, much to the delight of her husband of over thirty years, proving that passion and variety are no longer the reserve of the young.

More significantly, on the day she types the word 'spanking' into her computer she realizes that a little domestic discipline may be just what they need in their marriage. Although initially somewhat nervous of what it might entail, Daniel takes to spanking Ami like a duck takes to water, surprising her with the ease in which he has settled into his role as head of household.

All goes well until Ami begins to meet some village locals, and lets herself get happily led astray. A simple custom is turned into a marathon spanking session, and Ami will never view the ritual of Beating the Bounds in the same light again.

Blushing Books


Barnes and Noble

Keep on reading for more great snippets.

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Saturday Spankings - 11 July - Painful Boundaries

I am completely new to all this. I warn you all, that I shall probably get my knickers in a twist and need several goes at it before developing a style I can live with. This means that a copious amount of Hendricks with ice and a slice of lime will be consumed, I will start to speak rubbish as a result, and the consequences will mean strategically placed cushions scattered around our house for yours truly to sit upon. That woman in the picture above who is plainly still wearing all her clothes, does not know she is born!

Beating the bounds is my first book - hopefully the first of many.

It centres around a couple called Ami and Daniel who incorporate their own form of domestic discipline into their marriage. They are invited, by the locals, to Beat the Bounds of their village. This ancient custom of defining the boundaries of a village, uses young boys, and nowadays girls too, who are usually paid with a coin, to be switched on their jean-clad behinds as each cornerstone is reached. Both stripped willow and birch woods were, and still are, the most favoured, due to their pliancy. In the past the switchings could be quite severe, but in this day and age a token swat is all they get.

I am informed that I am only allowed 8 sentences with which to capture your interest. This is so difficult. 

For today's snippet I have chosen the point at which Daniel decides that the ancient custom of Beating the Bounds has distinct possibilities: 

This situation had to be dealt with - somehow he had to set some limits. Ami was buying shoes and squirrelling them away like an alcoholic might hide whisky bottles. He had to ensure that she knew this kind of behaviour had to change. It was causing her to become selfish and deceitful, and that was unpleasant, hurtful and unacceptable.

About then an idea occurred to him, and he smiled grimly to himself. He knew they had never had much in the way of rules, but maybe now was the time to start enforcing one or two. He watched Ami pace the decking, and he moved towards the door.

"Ami" he said. "You and I are going to discuss boundaries."


Ami and Daniel are Empty Nesters who have moved to live in an old house in the depths of the English countryside. In order to save their flagging relationship and refresh their boring sex lives, Ami has decided she needs to change. She reinvents herself, much to the delight of her husband of over thirty years, proving that passion and variety are no longer the reserve of the young.

More significantly, on the day she types the word 'spanking' into her computer she realizes that a little domestic discipline may be just what they need in their marriage. Although initially somewhat nervous of what it might entail, Daniel takes to spanking Ami like a duck takes to water, surprising her with the ease in which he has settled into his role as head of household.

All goes well until Ami begins to meet some village locals, and lets herself get happily led astray. A simple custom is turned into a marathon spanking session, and Ami will never view the ritual of Beating the Bounds in the same light again.

Blushing Books


Barnes and Noble

Keep on reading for more great snippets.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Saying "Hello"

Suddenly I am shy and uncertain. I now know the true meaning of the phrase "It's been a long time, getting from there to here." 

At last, my very first work of fiction "Beating the Bounds", has been published by Blushing Books. It's a Champagne moment, and I invite you all to have a glass with me. (Or a large gin and tonic.)

So what is it all about?

"Ami and Daniel are Empty Nesters who have moved to live in an old house in the depths of the English countryside. In order to save their flagging relationship and refresh their boring sex lives, Ami has decided she needs to change. She reinvents herself, much to the delight of her husband of over thirty years, proving that passion and variety are no longer the reserve of the young."

"Add a little (or a lot) of spanking into the mix, and....."

I do hope you will want to read what happens.

I've written stories all my life. I suppose I've always had a fascination with fiction. I wrote my first at the age of ten. It was all about horses and I used to read it out to my friends on a weekly basis, chapter by chapter.

Over the years the subject matter changed, and the writing altered and evolved. Were it not for some of my writing buddies, I would not be here today, as I never thought I could make it as far as publication.

I thank you all. Have another glass!

I want to thank Patty Devlin, who holds me upright when I start to droop, and who designed such a beautiful and romantic banner for me. She most definitely shares my same sense of warped humour. I'd also like to thank Lawson Craighill, who designed such a brilliant cover for my book. It echoes the story perfectly.

I hope you will all enjoy reading my story as much as I enjoyed writing it. It's up to you to decide which bits are fantasy and which are based on reality.

Finally - it's going to take me a while to get this blog looking the way I would like it. Please bear with me. I am well-known for my posts popping in and out as I refine features.

I hope to get you all in my list of "posts I follow", but I am having difficulty with Blogger saying "No!" at the moment. I may need to go and have another large gin!